Shirley Goncalves
Shirley holds a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from FUMEC University in Brazil and graduated in 2011. Since then, she worked as a School Inclusion Coordinator in a rehabilitation institute in Brazil, providing support to families and teachers in inclusive education for children with physical disabilities and special educational needs through an individualised approach. She also provided training for teachers’ development to deal with and create strategies to foment children’s participation in the school environment.
In 2016, she decided to fully dedicate to maternity when she was moving to China, following a great career opportunity for her partner. In 2019 her family relocated to Adelaide in Australia to accommodate a new career and life opportunity for all the family. Although dedicating more to family, she studied some courses seeking a continuous learning path while keeping her knowledge current and exploring new health areas, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, Auslan, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Autism and Strategies for schools. Shirley recently moved to Darwin from Port Lincoln seeking an opportunity to work with Occupational Therapists and get her Australian certificate in OT.
She is passionate about empowering people to lead lives filled with purpose and joy. Shirley, with a calm and caring personality, finds joy in offering an authentic ear, showing a deep interest in the lives and experiences of others. Outside of work, Shirley enjoys traveling, colouring, studying about holistic therapies and having fun with her three beautiful children in nature.